Arduino NTP Server
Andrew Rodland
YAPC::NA 2012
Madison, WI
June 12, 2012
Here It Is…
So what is it?
- A really accurate clock
- That gets its time from GPS
- And makes it available using NTP and Ethernet
- And runs on an Arduino
Why did I do it?
- I had a server room full of machines with different times
- Solution: sync them all to a local NTP pool, and sync that to the internet
- But I wanted more — no reliance on the internet, and more accuracy
- Thus began my hobby of building stratum-1 NTP servers
GPS Is a Time Source?
- Every GPS Satellite contains a precision atomic clock
- GPS positioning is based on the difference in arrival times from satellites at different distances
- But you can use it for time too…
Uses of Precision Time
- Log Auditing / Digital Forensics
- Finance
- Very-Long Baseline Interferometry
The Main Board
Freetronics EtherMega
- 8-bit ATmega2560 CPU
- 16MHz
- 256kB Flash
- 8kB RAM
- Wiznet W5100 Ethernet
- Like an Arduino Mega 2560 and an Arduino Ethernet Shield in one
The GPS Module
USGlobalSat EM-318-02
- Fairly average SiRF-III GPS receiver module
- External antenna
- Pulse-per-second signal
- Runs on 3.3V
CrystalFontz CFA-634
- Big
- Easy to read
- 1 serial wire + power
- Expensive
- Can be replaced with a cheaper LCD
AVR timer/counter registers can be configured to:
- Count up and down automatically at various rates
- Trigger interrupts when they reach certain values
- Toggle outputs when they reach certain values
- Capture their values when events occur
Input Capture is Awesome
- GPS pulse-per-second signal (PPS) is wired to an input capture pin
- Timer value is instantly copied to the capture register
- Interrupt is triggered
- Exact moment is recorded, even if it takes a little while to handle the interrupt.
- 16MHz CPU clock
- 1:8 timer prescaler = 2MHz
- 16-bit timer has a resolution of 500ns, and overflows within 32.768ms
Timekeeping (cont.)
- Configure upper limit to 62,500
- Overflow every 31.25ms = 32Hz timer interrupt
- Every 32nd timer interrupt: 1Hz interrupt
- Current time:
+ interrupts
/ 32 + timer
/ 2,000,000
Digital Frequency Synthesis
- The clock crystal isn’t perfect
- So the timer doesn’t run at exactly 2MHz
- In the long run, it will gain or lose time
- Need a way to correct its speed
Digital Frequency Synthesis
- Add and subtract ticks
- We can adjust the timer limit up and down
- 62,500 ticks = 31.25ms
- 62,501 ticks = 31.2505ms
- 62,499 ticks = 31.2495ms
Digital Frequency Synthesis
If we add or subtract 1 tick to every timer interrupt, that’s:
- 500ns per interrupt
- 16 parts per million
- 16 microseconds per second
- 1.38 seconds per day
Not a fine enough adjustment!
Digital Frequency Synthesis
Instead, adjust the timer in units of 1/2048 tick per interrupt
- 1 tick (500ns) per 64 seconds
- 1/128 part per million
- 675 microseconds per day
- But we update much more often than once per day
Digital Frequency Synthesis
- Divide the adjustment by 2,048 to get the number of ticks to add every
- Add the remainder to an accumulator every interrupt
- When the accumulator is ≥ 2,048:
- Subtract 2,048
- Add one extra tick this interrupt
- Bresenham’s line-drawing algorithm, but with time.
Digital Frequency Synthesis (Example)
Digital Frequency Synthesis
So how do we figure out how fast to run the timer to keep it in sync
with the signal from the GPS?
- Frequency Locked Loop (FLL)
- Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
Frequency Locked Loop (FLL)
- Count the number of ticks from one PPS to another one 64 seconds later
- At 2MHz this should be 128,000,000
- The difference is how fast/slow the clock runs, in units of 1 tick / 64 sec
- Exactly the units the timekeeping loop uses
Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
- Measure how early or late the PPS is, compared to when we think the second is
- Feed it into a PI controller
- Proportional – Integral, a PID controller without the D
- Clock behind GPS: run fast to catch up
- Clock ahead of GPS: run slow to fall back
- Send a packet from client to server and back
- Each machine timestamps the packet on transmit and receive
- By assuming network delay is symmetrical we can transfer a time offset
NTP (cont.)
Delay = (t4 – t1) – (t3 – t2)
- t4 – t1 is the roundtrip time seen by the client
- t3 – t2 is the processing time on the server
- The remainder is network delay
NTP (cont.)
- Offset = ½ [ (t2 – t1 – Delayout) – (t4 – t3 – Delayback) ]
- Delayout = Delayback = Delay / 2
- Offset = ½ [ (t2 – t1) – (t4 – t3) ]
The Code
- Written in C-style C++
- Some use of Arduino libraries, some bare-metal code
- Builds with gcc and make outside of the IDE, using by Martin Oldfield et al. with some custom hacks
- Interrupt-driven with “bottom halves”
- Interrupt handlers do minimal housekeeping, set a flag, and return
- Main loop runs slower routines when their flags are set
- Infrequent tasks (DHCP, temp probe) run every N seconds from a once-per-second task
The Simulator
- Allows debugging various parts of the time-keeping code
- Runs natively on Linux
- Contains mocked-up versions of the GPS, the timer, etc.
- Makefile builds same code twice with different defines
The Modules
: Arduino-only main file
: Simulator-only main file
: #defines for tuning parameters and enabling other modules
, hwdep.h
: Low-level hardware access
, timing.h
: Time-keeping code
, gps.h
: GPS serial / SiRF protocol
, ethernet.h
: Ethernet, DHCP, NTP
, lcd.h
: Serial LCD
, tempprobe.h
: 1-wire Temperature Probe
GPS Notes
- YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS from the GPS is used to drive the LCD display
- Week number + TOW + UTC-GPS offset from the GPS is used for NTP
- Custom SiRF binary protocol decoder
Ethernet Notes
- Onboard Wiznet W5100 is equivalent to Arduino Ethernet Shield
- Uses Arduino Ethernet library
- Really dirty hack to enable interrupt-driven Ethernet
- Order of magnitude timing improvement
Temperature Probe Notes
- Code and hardware is present but not used
- Measure the temperature-sensitivity of the crystal and compensate it
- Probe and crystal respond to temperature changes at different rates
- Makes things worse instead of better
- Could be improved and brought back?
- Verified against a Spectracom Netclock 9183
- Timekeeping: 95% within 1.5 microseconds
- NTP: within 10-20 microseconds
- Ethernet is the weak link
- But still outperforms the Spectracom’s ethernet
Performance (cont.)
Name/IP Address NP NR Span Frequency Freq Skew Offset Std Dev
spectre 5 4 86m -0.013 0.063 -2091ns 23us
arduino 42 24 972 -0.712 0.012 -25ms 6302ns
goron 5 4 452 -0.545 1.109 +545us 26us
Crystal Methods
- Arduino Mega no. 1
- 300ppm frequency error @ room temp
- 15ppm/°C temperature coefficient
- Arduino Mega no. 2
- 800ppm frequency error @ room temp
- 15ppm/°C temperature coefficient
- Freetronics EtherMega
- 25ppm frequency error @ room temp
- 0.1ppm/°C temperature coefficient
The Next Version
- Replace the quartz crystal with a Rubidium oscillator (LPRO-101)
- Replace the Arduino with an ARM chip with builtin Ethernet and a higher clock speed
- Instead of timing the PPS with input capture, generate our own PPS and compare it to
GPS’s PPS using a time interval counter (PICTIC II)
- Digital Frequency synthesis is only used for startup / very large adjustments
- DAC adjusts the Rubidium C-field for fine adjustments
- Timestamping in Ethernet driver
The Next Version
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